Have you ever wondered why people with addictions can't just stop what they're doing? Have you ever been addicted to something that was hurting you but kept doing it anyway?
This week we move on to downward facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana (pronounced Aw-do Mew-hah Shf-vah-nah-sah- nah... wow that's tricky).
Happy Wednesday, all! Here's your pose for the week, Utkatasana (Ewt-kah-tah-sah-nah), or chair pose. It's a staple of most yoga practices. As the name implies, the action is sitting down into an imaginary chair. Chairs, of course, are a symbol of comfort, rest, relaxation, and ease. And in this pose, we learn to balance ease with effort.
Last week, we learned about Tadasana, or standing mountain pose. This week, we'll move on to Uttanasana, or standing forward bend. Uttanasana (pronounced ew-tawn-ah-sah-nah) is often the pose we practice following Tadasana in our sun salutation sequence.
AuthorKambria Kennedy-Dominguez, LPC-S |