Last month, I was in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, learning from the experts of The Trauma Center, founded by Bessel Van der Kolk, and home to some of today's foremost research on trauma and the brain. I attended seminars on the complexity of adaptation to trauma, how to work with dissociation through component based psychotherapy, and trauma sensitive yoga. Here are a few takeaways:
By Megan Kennedy, LMSW When things in our lives arise that we see as problems, it can be more natural for us to focus on why the problem exists, how it emerged, and what we are doing that’s allowing the problem to remain present. As a counselor, I believe that searching for the cause of people’s problems is not nearly as useful as exploring what has been different when the problems are less severe or non-existent. Counseling from this approach is formally called Solution Focused Brief Therapy or SFBT for short. Developed by American social workers, Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, this counseling approach is very much strengths- based, future focused and heavily dependent on a collaborative relationship between the counselor and client.
AuthorKambria Kennedy-Dominguez, LPC-S |